Specializing in Sexual Misconduct Issues in Higher Education
Selected examples of training and informational workshops
The following training and informational workshops are available, as are customized sessions that meet the needs of your organization. Let's talk.
​​Introduction to Gender-Based Violence and Title IX
Preparing Your Child for College: The Stuff They Don’t Talk About—and Most Likely You Didn’t Either
What is Title IX? A Workshop for Parents
My Child Was Assaulted: A Workshop for Parents
My Child was Accused: A Workshop for Parents
The Impact of Gender-Based Violence in the Classroom and the Workplace
Working with Reluctant Complainants (for Title IX professionals)
LGBTQ+ Identity & Inclusivity and Supporting LGBTQ+ Survivors.
The Joys and Challenges of Teaching About Gender-Based Violence in the Classroom.
Bystander Intervention in the Face of Hate